So I’m Taking A Writing Course

Improvement is everything! So I decided to hop on over to and signed up for Academic and Business Writing which is being offered by the awesome folks over at BerkleyX. Hey mom, look, I’m a Berkley student!

Our first assignment for the course was a journal entry, which I first wrote in my journal, then rewrote on their forum because I don’t know how to edit without just rewriting an entire work. Here’s the forum version:

Journal 1

When I write, I tend to either free write my thoughts for journals, or flesh out a scene that pops into my head. I tend to focus a lot on creative writing due to all the scenes and characters that I am inspired to write about, while my journaling is focus on checking in with myself for my mental health. I also like to change plot and character development of books or television shows. So my writing really focuses on expressing my creativity and imagination, as well as how I see the every day world and how it affects me.

Writing is always a joy for me, which is one of the reasons I use it as a mental wellness check. If I’m not writing or avoiding my journal, something isn’t right (there is a pun in there, I know it!). I prefer pen and paper forms of writing, I get a sense of adventure and possibility every time I pick up my pen. I do have a blog, and I’d like to put it to more use but it is sometimes hard to know what is blog-worthy or not.

I think every skill has room for improvement. There’s no fun if you plateau at some idea of “perfection” when there is so much to learn. So, I would like to improve my creative, essay, and business writing abilities.

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